How to Dehydrate Oranges

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Are you ready to embark on a zestful adventure? We’re diving headfirst into the world of dehydrated oranges – those delightfully tangy, chewy gems that are as versatile as they are delicious. From their health-boosting benefits to the art of transforming juicy oranges into sliced up delights, we’ve got the zesty scoop on how to dehydrate oranges.

The Wellness Wonders of Oranges

Let’s kick off this journey with a burst of citrusy health benefits that oranges bring to the table:

Vitamin C: Oranges are renowned for their vitamin C content, and the good news is that dehydrated oranges retain this essential nutrient. Vitamin C is like an immune system’s best friend, helping ward off those pesky colds and infections.

Fiber: Those chewy bites of sunshine pack a punch of dietary fiber. Fiber is like a gentle sweep for your digestive system, ensuring things move smoothly and supporting gut health.

Natural Energizer: Oranges contain natural sugars that provide a quick energy boost. When dehydrated, these sugars become concentrated, making dehydrated oranges a convenient source of natural vitality.

Key Considerations Before You Begin

Before we dive into the delightful process of dehydrating oranges, let’s take a moment to highlight some important considerations:

  • Choose fresh, juicy oranges for the best results. Opt for oranges that are firm, heavy for their size, and free from any visible blemishes or bruises.
  • As you embark on the slicing adventure, think about your preferred texture. Do you want ultra-thin slices that resemble delicate crisps, or slightly thicker ones that offer a chewier experience? The choice is yours! In this recipe, we’ll be leaning more towards the thicker side.

Preparing Oranges for Dehydration

The journey begins with the preparation phase. Let’s set the stage for the transformation from juicy oranges to chewy delights:

Clean: Start by giving your oranges a gentle wash to remove any potential dirt, wax, or impurities from the surface.

Peel with Precision: Once cleaned, it’s time to peel your oranges. Aim to remove the peel while keeping the orange segments as intact as possible.

Slice with Finesse: Now, with a sharp knife, carefully slice your oranges into even pieces. Remember that the thickness of your slices will influence the dehydrating process and the resulting texture of your dehydrated oranges.

Dehydrating Oranges: Crafting Chewy Perfection

The heart of the matter – the art of turning fresh oranges into delightful, chewy treats:

out your orange slices on the dehydrator trays. Ensure they are evenly spaced, allowing for proper air circulation. Adequate airflow is crucial for effective drying.

Set your food dehydrator to a temperature around 135°F. This gentle heat ensures a gradual removal of moisture, preserving the flavor and nutritional value of your oranges.

The dehydrating time varies depending on the thickness of your slices and the humidity level in your environment. On average, expect the process to take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours.

Your dehydrated oranges are ready when they are pliable but not sticky to the touch. They should feel like chewy candies, with no residual moisture trapped within.

Creative Uses for Dehydrated Oranges

With your dehydrated oranges in hand, it’s time to explore the endless possibilities for incorporating these tangy gems into your culinary endeavors:

Snacking: Enjoy dehydrated oranges as a standalone snack. Their vibrant flavor and chewy texture make them a delightful treat anytime, anywhere.

Tea Time: Elevate your tea-drinking experience by adding a dehydrated orange slice to your cup. Watch as it infuses your beverage with a burst of refreshing citrus essence.

Garnish: Use dehydrated orange slices as a sophisticated garnish for cocktails, mocktails, desserts, or even savory dishes. Their vibrant color and tangy flavor are sure to impress.

Baking: Incorporate chopped dehydrated oranges into your baking ventures. From muffins and cookies to cakes and bread, these chewy bites add a unique twist to your recipes.

Storing Dehydrated Oranges

Now that you’ve mastered the art of dehydrating oranges, it’s important to know how to keep your citrusy creations fresh and ready for whenever inspiration strikes:

  • Allow your dehydrated oranges to cool down to room temperature before transferring them to storage containers. This prevents any potential condensation from forming and affecting their quality.
  • Transfer your dehydrated orange slices into airtight containers, such as glass mason jars or mylar bags. By minimizing exposure to air, you’ll ensure their flavor and texture remain intact over time.
  • Find a cool, dark spot to store your airtight containers. Sunlight and humidity can jeopardize the quality of your dehydrated oranges, so it’s best to store them in a dry environment.

When stored properly, dehydrated oranges can maintain their quality for several months. However, for the best flavor and texture, aim to consume them within six months.

With their vibrant flavor, chewy texture, and health-boosting benefits, these citrusy delights are ready to elevate your snacking and culinary experiences. So whether you’re indulging in a simple snack, jazzing up your favorite drinks, or incorporating them into your baking adventures, dehydrated oranges are your gateway to a world of zestful exploration. The journey from juicy oranges to chewy wonders has been nothing short of delightful, and now, the pleasure is all yours to savor. So, embark on your citrusy adventure discovering how to dehydrate oranges, and let the sunshine of their flavor brighten every bite!

How to Dehydrate Oranges


  • Oranges


  1. Wash oranges thoroughly.

  2. Slice oranges in 1/4" inch slices with a knife or mandolin slicer.

  3. Lay slices evenly out on the dehydrator tray.

  4. Dehydrate at 135°F for 8 - 12 hours